Fully Accessible Barbados Facilities


  • Independent Wheelchair User - Independent Wheelchair User
  • Wheelchair Assisted - Wheelchair Assisted
  • Mobility Challenged - Mobility Challenged
  • Blind & Visually Impaired (Category 2) - Blind & Visually Impaired (Category 2)
  • Blind & Visually Impaired (Category 1) - Blind & Visually Impaired (Category 1)
  • Deaf & Hearing Impaired - Deaf & Hearing Impaired
For further information regarding the above, please contact Barbados Council for the Disabled at 1 (246) 629-0572 or bcd@caribsurf.com.


No. Property Contact Person Contact Details
  • Independent Wheelchair User - Independent Wheelchair User
  • Wheelchair Assisted - Wheelchair Assisted
  • Mobility Challenged - Mobility Challenged
  • Blind & Visually Impaired (Category 2) - Blind & Visually Impaired (Category 2)
  • Blind & Visually Impaired (Category 1) - Blind & Visually Impaired (Category 1)
  • Deaf & Hearing Impaired - Deaf & Hearing Impaired
For further information regarding the above, please contact Barbados Council for the Disabled at 1 (246) 629-0572 or bcd@caribsurf.com.

Guest Houses

No. Property Contact Person Contact Details
  • Independent Wheelchair User - Independent Wheelchair User
  • Wheelchair Assisted - Wheelchair Assisted
  • Mobility Challenged - Mobility Challenged
  • Blind & Visually Impaired (Category 2) - Blind & Visually Impaired (Category 2)
  • Blind & Visually Impaired (Category 1) - Blind & Visually Impaired (Category 1)
  • Deaf & Hearing Impaired - Deaf & Hearing Impaired
For further information regarding the above, please contact Barbados Council for the Disabled at 1 (246) 629-0572 or bcd@caribsurf.com.
The content in this document was produced by the Product Quality Unit of the BTPA.